Patent, Trademark & Registered Design Attorneys
Please contact us to find out how we can help you secure strong protection for your intellectual property.
Eric Lee
Eric is a Chartered UK Patent Attorney and Special Counsel with the firm. He is also on the register of Singapore Patent Attorneys and a registered Malaysian patent agent.
Eric entered the patent attorney profession in 2008, and has been working in the field since, in both private practice and in-house roles. Prior to the current role at the firm, Eric was previously with the firm for a number of years before joining an IP firm in the Australasian region.
Eric obtained his doctorate from the Optoelectronics Research Centre at University of Southampton, UK, after completion of his Bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering with Optoelectronics from University College London, UK. He then went on to carry out post-doctoral research in optoelectronics at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London and the London Centre for Nanotechnology, and in Nanotechnology at the International Innovation Centre (IIC), Kyoto University, Japan.
Eric practices as a patent attorney across a broad spectrum of technologies in the ICT/electronics and mechanical engineering fields, but given his academic background, he has particular interest and expertise in optoelectronics and related technologies, including materials science, semiconductors, display devices and laser technology.